Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sprang Break Prt. 2

What's up my biznitches!!! I'm backs again wif da rest of da spring break crazy ass photos. So I won't pussy foot around and I will just get right down to show you des dank ass photos of me and muh boyz.

Dis be me waitin to nom on some spensive ass sea foods. Then crazy ass mothas declined muh credit card so I had to shoot dem in da head. Decline muh bullet bitch....

G$ had to eat all dis skrimps one night cause I was real crazy hungry. Muh boyz helped a little but to be honest it was mostly big G himselfs

Dis be a video a founds of da G$... Those paparazzis be hatin on how da G$ eats... Well how da hell am I supposed to get da food off my fork when you be hatin all da time... DAMN
Sadly da G$ and da boyz had to head on back to my home hood of Cola but you know what? I tellz you what...da G$ be doin his pimp thang in da car... Throwin' up those gang signs all day baby... (look at dat crazy fool Marky Mark...ha dumb ass)

Me and da boyz had to stops fo some foods so we stopped at da Arby's... I don't be likin no roast beefs though so I gots me some chicken nuggets fo dippin... Shout out to Spency and Willy Wier...you muh boyz.

Das Racist Arby's

Final Shout out to All muh boyz. Dat was a dank ass sprang break dat I won't be forgettin soon. You's sum crazy sons-o-bitches but you get G$ da bitches...and I can ask fo nofin' else.

Remember to check out da Twitter @GMoneyClemson for daily updates and for information about when I will be puttin up muh next blog!

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