Thursday, February 7, 2013

Jus' A lil bout Muh Life

Sup my biznitches!! I be seein' dat my blog iz gettin pretty popular for realz man. Da G$ is impressed by da way yous is all up on muh dick like that. Keep it up America. An while you at it check out da twitter: @GMoneyClemson

So what I wuz gonna talk about in dis blog is just a lil about what I be doin' in class when dem bitches be lecturin'. Most of dah time I jus be sittin there sleepin hard. But today I wuz like "fuck dat! I is gonna get a soda to keep me awakes"... mello yello if you wuz wonderin' cause I like my sodas as mello as my hoes. So since I was all awake and shit I became an artist drawin some of da most beautiful as sketches you have ever even sent. Check'um out bitches:

 Dis one right hur is a nice manatee and a kick ass alligator bought to bight a motha fucka in da ass!

And dis pictcha is of a DRAGON!! And on top of da paper is a pizza...damn I is so hungry...

 Finally I was gonna drop da news dat da G$ is writin' a rap....dats right get excited. It is gonna but top da line fo show. Dem sweet deep beats and dem dope ass lyrics all by yours truly G$ FRESH! While you wait on dat shit though hur is my current theme song:


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